Why is it Important?

Climate change is a global problem that increasingly affects political and economic decisions. One of the main reasons for this is certainly the increase in greenhouse gas emissions (GHG; carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide) attributable to increasing levels of industrialization and the resulting massive consumption of fossil fuels. However, unsustainable management of farmland and forests, such as pasture conversion or deforestation, also leads to greenhouse gas emissions and therefore has a negative impact on the climate. Therefore, reducing greenhouse gas emissions is a task faced by the international community and included in the Kyoto Protocol and ultimately approved by the resolutions of the Paris UN Climate Conference. Financial incentives have been created for investments in renewable energy such as wind and solar energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Production of electricity and heat from biomass is one of the most important cornerstones of the transition to a low-carbon energy source and accounts for the majority of greenhouse gas reductions in the energy sector, provided that biomass is produced in accordance with general sustainability standards.


International Sustainability Carbon Certification


Program Endorse Forest Chain of Custody


Environmental Social Governance


Green Gold Label Certification


Sustainable Resources Verification Scheme

MSPO: Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil

MSPO OPMC: Oil Palm Management Certification MSPO SCCS: Supply Chain Certification Standard


Ocean Bound Plastic Certification

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